Recent comments

  •   11 years 23 weeks ago

    As always,
    * Check the offboard wiring
    * Scrape all track "gutters" clean with the tip of a knife. If your knife can get through easily, remove solder and redo that part.
    * Measure(!) resistance between tracks for "invisible" jumpers
    * Check component values

    This is a verified build, so if you made your's properly it shoud function just fine!

  •   11 years 23 weeks ago

    There's also a hell of a lot of heat coming from where the 9v joins the board, Plus my LED doesn't work so do you think it could be a problem with the 9v/board joint?

  •   11 years 23 weeks ago

    Just Built this and all that comes through is noise, adjusting the pots changes the pitch, volume. Any ideas what might have gone wrong? Or any advice on how I might trouble shoot it? Thanks


  • FET Mini-blender
      11 years 26 weeks ago

    i used it with a foxx tone machine but when connect the input and the input from the foxx it sound distorted.. when i disconnect teh input from the foxx tone machine it sounds clear ..

  •   11 years 28 weeks ago

    working fine, a little distortion when you put the "delay" button between 80 and 100%
    thank for your work !

  • DOD 230 Noise Gate
      11 years 32 weeks ago

    Here is a discussion on how to get this to work:
    No success yet...

  • We've moved!
      11 years 35 weeks ago

    Fun stuff is fun!

  • We've moved!
      11 years 35 weeks ago

    FYI: I started a new version this weekend. Fun stuff is ahead!

  •   11 years 35 weeks ago

    Thanks. I was just asking to make sure I wouldn't cause a ThermoNuclear meltdown... ;)

  •   11 years 35 weeks ago

    At this point, I can't tell you anything other than to 'experiment' with it! I built it once, it works fin, but came to a conclusion I like diode/opamp clipping more ...

    The effect eventually got recycled ;)

  •   11 years 35 weeks ago

    You mention a possible mod for several resistors. Let's take R1 as an example. Would such a mod entail changing the value of R1 to for example 100K? Or even 22K? Is that what will influence clipping behavior? Or do I fit a 50K pot?

  • We've moved!
      11 years 35 weeks ago

    Yeah, hate them too ... ;)

    Somewhere in the future there will be a completely redesigned site. As soon as I find the time! ;)

  • We've moved!
      11 years 35 weeks ago

    Harold, first up; great job on this site!
    Secondly; is there any way you can fix those pesky ads that obscure the top right corner of the layouts?
    thanks for all the work you're putting into this,

  • ProCo Rat
      11 years 36 weeks ago

    8.2k Resistance across the ground and positive power. Still a bit confused as to what i'v got wrong? Rechecked positioning to all components and trace cuts. Still have not a clue what i'v done wrong ha! I'll have to keep looking.

  • Xotic EP Booster
      11 years 36 weeks ago

    Finished building this today. Sounds great. I'm thinking of building another replacing the dip switch with 2 case mounted switches.

  • ProCo Rat
      11 years 36 weeks ago

    R1 's sole purpose is to burn up if there's a short circuit. If you measure between GND and +9v you'll get a very low resistance, which indicates a short circuit.

    Check all components and tracecuts and scrape all tracks between the traces clean with the tip of a knife. If you can't pass through it easily with your knife, you should clean up the soldering.

    Also check if the effect doesn't touch the enclosure!

  • ProCo Rat
      11 years 36 weeks ago

    I've got it all rigged up but R1 has turned into a burner...I'm not quite sure what the problem is? no noise, just a burning resistor. any idea why that might be? where i should i start debugging?

  •   11 years 38 weeks ago

    Do you know if this is a "Tall Font" or "Bubble Font" version? 2nd or 3rd revision?

  • Xotic EP Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    I replaced R2 with a 10K trimmer to fit the boost on my own taste... I like this pedal even more. Again thank you for this extremely good sounding layout.

  • Xotic RC Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    The third row/switch of a 3PDT is used for switching the ground of a LED. A 2PDT or DPDT is enough for a true bypass without LED.

  • Xotic RC Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    Hi thanks for your reply, although if not using an LED why the need for a 3DPT, wouldn't a DDPT be sufficient?

  •   11 years 39 weeks ago

    Works great!!! Thanks!

  • Xotic RC Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    I always use a 3PDT like this:

  • Xotic RC Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    Hi can you please confirm what type of foot switch is required a 3dpt or a dpdt?

    Thank you.

  • Xotic RC Booster
      11 years 39 weeks ago

    Thanks for the brilliant website!!
    Only 1 question... does this pedal need a DPDT Switch or is it a different type?

    Thanks again.